Powered by Smartsupp Maintenance management | CMMS software | Productoo

CMMS: Digital maintenance

Healthy assets = smooth production.

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Every minute of downtime costs manufacturers thousands of euros. Yet, up to 80% of maintenance time is spent reacting to issues rather than preventing them. Change this with CMMS software by Productoo!

Better asset utilization

Focus on preventive maintenance and keep your assets in a good condition. Benefits? Fewer stoppages, higher production efficiency and longer asset lifecycle.

Accelerated workflow

Report issues immediately and reduce time-to-react! CMMS software increases the speed of the entire process and makes work order management easy and fun.

Accessibility & traceability

Whether you're a maintenance manager or technician, getting the right information takes just seconds. Track job status and duration, spare parts consumption, personnel availability and more.

ERP & machine connection

Integrate the solution with 3rd party software (such as an ERP system) and synchronize all necessary information via API. Machine connection is also possible.

Only a qualified technician can be assigned a job

List of maintenance orders. Assign them to a technician by drag & drop.

Display your maintenance plan and history as a calendar.

Easy maintenance planning & work order management

Manage and track preventive and corrective work orders.

  • Plan maintenance for all assets or import preventive plans from your ERP system

  • Receive notifications of issues right from the shopfloor

  • See which qualified technicians are available and assign them a new job by drag & drop

  • Track work orders and spare parts levels

  • Generate reports focusing on KPIs of your choice

Notifications of new repairs, finished jobs etc.

When reporting an issue, workers can take a photo or record video/audio as an attachment.

Issue reporting made simple

Report issues easily from the production floor using a mobile device!

  • Create notifications on the shopfloor using a mobile interface (or use the Digital Workstation instead)

  • Scan the equipment barcode to display the asset card - or select the asset from a list

  • Take photos, record video or audio for clarity

  • Connect the tool to your machines and have notifications created automatically

Each asset listing contains all the relevant information

A calendar or table view with maintenance history and plan. Color coding available based on priorities, job type etc.

Relevant information, easily accessible

Stay updated on your assets, jobs and personnel

  • Get easy access to all relevant data: spare parts lists with current availability, qualified technicians, history of repairs, planned maintenance…

  • Store and display documentation

Information related to each order is easily accessible - spare parts, instructions, documents...

Equipment card with all necessary details is just one click away.

Basic information about the maintenance order

Start, pause and close maintenance orders easily.

Efficient execution of maintenance jobs

Keep your technicians flexible and always up to speed!

  • The mobile interface provides your staff with everything they need to perform the jobs.

  • Working instructions and spare parts lists are available in just a few clicks.

  • All information can be sent to your ERP system (e.g. about spare parts consumption and job duration)

Check out the complete overview of features:

Product Advisor Behind great products are great people

Robin Svorada Consultant

Robin has many years of experience with ERP consulting and optimization. His main area of expertise is plant maintenance.

"Asset maintenance is an integral part of production. When designing this module, we gathered all sorts of requirements and pain points of maintenance workers. We wanted to create a tool that would help staff both in offices and on the production floor."

Future 4.0 Productoo Academy

Check out our trainings and events focusing on Industry 4.0!


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How to eliminate wastes in production and standardize processes? Register for this course to learn how to identify wastes and non-value added operations on the...

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Maintenance management for partners | CMMS | Training

Are you a system integrator? Get to know the Productoo CMMS module, its functionality and benefits. Help your customers take better care of their assets,...

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Productoo Academy

Connectivity Connectivity & integration possibilities

Make the most of the Productoo Smart Factory Suite and consider implementing it with the other parts of the ecosystem!

Production planning

Planned repairs or breakdowns are displayed directly in the production schedule so you can optimize your planning accordingly.

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Digital Workstation

Digital Workstation can be used for issue reporting as well as execution. It gives you access to working instructions, documents etc.

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Factory Cockpit

Monitor the health of your assets in real time in Factory Cockpit! Check planned maintenance, open jobs and any KPIs of interest.

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Internal logistics

With this module, you'll make sure your line feeders and pickers know about any production schedule changes due to breakdowns in real time.

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Production tracking

Maintenance can affect production time. This module provides an insight into your manufacturing process including the breakdown of lead times.

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3rd party integration

ERP integration is recommended so that you can keep all your important data in sync. You can also import data from your machines via an API, receive alerts of issues etc.

Would you like to digitize your maintenance operations and extend your asset lifecycle?

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